office people
office people has been working in HR management since 2005. office people's range of services includes a wide range of solutions from personnel leasing, recruitment and master vendor management to other solutions such as on-site management and EU recruiting.
Today, office people has more than 100 locations in Germany and is therefore represented in almost every city. office people has also been active in Spain since 2022 and has thus initiated international expansion.
In December 2020, alkima WEB & DESIGN ® has fully developed and implemented the new corporate website. In addition to renewing the corporate identity and an up-to-date UX design, we have also brought the website up to date with technologies such as a headless CMS approach. Since then we have been supporting office people in all technical and design areas.
Provided services
Single-Page-Application (SPA)
WordPress (Headless-CMS)
- Integration of the job exchange from Compleet GmbH (PERSY)
- Multilingualism (WPML + GraphQL + Next.js)
- Functionality for the locations including filters
- 15+ individualized page templates with a modular principle
- Google Maps incl. clustering feature